Following An Accident, Your Auto Insurance Provider Can Financially Support You In These Ways
Being hurt in an automobile accident is a scary feeling, especially if you suspect that you'll need a significant amount of therapy to overcome the physical pain that resulted from the accident. The good news is that you can turn to your insurance provider for help in a variety of ways. Depending on the specifics of your policy and the nature of the accident, it's often possible to have your auto insurance provider pay not only your medical bills (typically up to a certain value), but also provide you with assistance in several other different ways. Here are some other things that your insurance provider can help you with.
Gas And Mileage For Attending The Appointments
Make sure that you keep your gas receipts and note the mileage between your home and the clinic you're visiting -- whether it's for physiotherapy, chiropractic care or something else -- so that you can talk to your insurance agent about being compensated for the drive. Many insurance companies will reimburse your gas expenses, as well as pay a fee per mile that you drive. If you still don't have a vehicle, make sure to keep your public transportation receipts because you can submit these, too.
Other Travel Expenses
If there isn't a specific health practitioner in your city, you may need to travel to attend your appointments. Speak to your insurance agent about the assistance that can be provided for travel expenses. In addition to being compensated for your gas and mileage, your insurance provider may also provide financial assistance for your hotel bill, meal expenses and other travel-related expenses that you incur during the process of seeking medical treatment. The exact degree of assistance depends on the nature of your policy, but make sure that you keep all your receipts so that you can file them if the company wants you to.
Lost Income
If the car accident has left you unable to work, you may be able to get financial assistance to deal with your lost income. This depends on how you have your auto insurance policy set up, but it can be a relief to know that you will receive some earnings from the insurance provider while you cannot work. In addition to talking to your insurance agent, you will also need to attend appointments with a doctor or other medical specialist to assess the nature of your injury and determine roughly how long it is expected that you will be away from work.
For other questions regarding what accident-related costs an auto insurance policy can cover, talk to your insurance company or a company like Independent Insurance Associates Inc.