When you purchase auto insurance, you need basic liability before you can drive your car. There are also other optional coverages you can add to your policy. You may not need all of these coverages, but some of them may save you a lot of money. Below are five different types of coverages to help you determine if they are right for you.
Reimbursement for Rental Car Costs
If your car was hit by another car, vandalized, or stolen, this coverage will pay for you to rent a car until you can get your car repaired or replaced.
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What If You Can't Afford Health Insurance?
Fortunately, thanks to the Health Insurance Marketplace, you are able to receive health insurance that is subsidized and is theoretically more affordable. However, if you experience a dip in your income, you may find it difficult to afford health insurance. Under these circumstances, there are many things you can do to make sure that you are still insured.
Understand The Grace Period
There is a large percentage of new health insurance customers who lose their health insurance because they fail to make their first payments.
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5 Tricks To Lower Your Car Insurance
If your car insurance premiums are eating up a big chunk of your budget every month, you are probably paying too much. You may also notice your rate gradually going up a bit each year. Instead of passively accepting whatever rate your insurance company offers you, try the following tricks for getting cheaper car insurance:
Take Defensive Driving
Taking a defensive driving course not only lets you brush up on how to be a better and safer driver, but it can lower your insurance rates as well.
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How Driver Exclusion Works
If you have a family member who threatens your driving reputation and your quotes, it might be a good idea to choose to exclude your family member from an auto insurance policy. There are some downsides to exclusions, such as the negative effect this decision can have on your rates and possibly your relationship with the excluded. But there are some circumstances where it is necessary.
Applying For An Exclusion
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