If you suffer from chronic diseases, getting life insurance can not only be more expensive, but it can be hard to qualify. Conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even obesity can keep you from being able to afford life insurance to protect your family. However, don't give up, there are ways to get life insurance at a rate you can afford, even if at first you have to go with a lower policy amount.
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3 Reasons To Hire A Retirement Specialist
Many people dream about their retirement and look forward to taking advantage of the extra time available by enjoying hobbies, traveling, or spending time with family. But retirement can begin to look bleak if you have not properly planned for it and have never consulted a professional to create a comprehensive retirement plan.
While financial planners can provide advice on many topics, when it comes to retirement it is in your best interest to work with a retirement specialist who can guide you into making the best decisions now so you have the means to thoroughly enjoy your retirement.
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Lower Your Insurance Rates Without Missing Coverage
Are you having a hard time paying your monthly car insurance rate? If you are, you have likely considered missing a payment or even reducing the amount of coverage that you receive in order to make your payments more affordable. Well, missing a payment or downsizing your insurance coverage can put you at risk of not having the coverage that you need to be fully protected. However, there are options and ways to make your monthly insurance rate more affordable without having to put yourself at risk:
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Should You Remove Auto Insurance From A Vehicle You're Storing For The Winter?
If you have a vehicle that you only drive during the summer months, you might be considering removing it from your car insurance for the winter. After all, if you won't be driving the vehicle, there's no reason to have it insured, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, when it comes to auto insurance, it isn't as easy as simply removing the vehicle from your policy for the winter months. There are several other factors that you need to consider before adjusting your auto insurance coverage.
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